Saturday, August 17, 2019


If Jeffrey was planning to kill himself why did he put bribery money into the accounts of other prisoners? Doesn't that suggest that they had access to him?  And why did they? Assuming they did it's no wonder he didn't shower or shave, He wanted to be as repulsive as possible to attackers or rapists.  If he planned on being dead why did he spent 12 hours a day with his lawyers? The answer is he had no plans on hanging himself. Being sly and cunning and rich, he assumed he could  beat this rap and even escape to a country that would not extradite him.  Also why was he in a roach infested and dismal cell. Being a major criminal in a significant trial every effort should have been made to preserve his spirit. It sounds like those in power tried to make his surrounding as suicide-inducing as possible and when that failed they took the matter in their own hands, so to speak.   I am pleased to hear that his lawyers, not accepting the suicide report, are pursuing their own investigation.

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