Saturday, August 31, 2019


I think for annoying and cloying commercials you can't beat Raisin Bran. For some reason these insipid and illogical little dramas always involve a tween daughter and her dad who seems to bring Raisin Bran with them wherever they go. Whoever brought a full box to a fishing site?  If they are not fishing, they're exchanging puns, or discussing who makes the best choices or something equally unclear. Frankly I  find them both dad and Lolita a little creepy. I can't imagine what the agency thinks this series will accomplish. It seems to me there are lots of really weird art director/copywriter combos having too much say in what gets produced today.


  1. ...but he makes "good choices"!!

  2. I find the "Good Choices" ad unsettling. What tween, or teen wants their parent tagging along with them, especially a girl. The dad is a cross between immature and pedophile who has boundary issues. No you creep your tween/teenage daughter does NOT want or need you tagging along on a bike ride.She's quite capable of going off by herself to meet friends or just enjoy taking a ride without you. Go eat your cereal, cut the grass, watch a ball game and get some adult friends of your own. Obviously I HATE this ad.

  3. I just want to know who thought it was cute for the daughter to be snarky like that. I would have gotten an earful if I talked to my dad like that. And this disgustingly grating commercial is STILL airing. When will it end?! I swear to God it's pushing me to never buy raisin bran again.

  4. Also notice these tween girls always have older, more mature voices than their ages & appearances would suggest?

  5. This is one of my favorite commercials!
    Her Response is pure Gold!
    No! You make good choices!
