Tuesday, November 18, 2014

So many commercials stink.

There are so many commercials out there that are just bold-face lies. Here are some of the most offensive. While fabreze is a good air freshener, it is absolutely bullshit for them to claim it eliminates odors.  It does no such thing. It temporarily covers them up. While it may help a bit Bayer Aspirin can hardly be considered an effective defense against a heart attack and even if it were, it's no more effective than a cheaper aspirin.  Nor have I  found their other product Aleve to be all-day strong all day long. Despite what Mattress Firm claims, a mattress does not need to be changed every eight years nor does it gain excess weight  from skin cells. Cheerios does not give you energy as General Mills has been claiming for decades. It's a cereal with lots of energy-sapping sugar. And Special K does not miraculously help you lose weight, unless you diet and exercise while you're eating this very expensive, mostly-air product. No cough medicine works, even though many are now priced in the $18 range. I have never found Elmer's Glue effective at sticking anything to anything. Maxwell House coffee sucks and is not "good to the last drop." While I can't speak for all Shark vacuum cleaners, mine worked fine for three cleanings, then refused to pick up even a piece of lint. Just for Men hair coloring is messy, complicated, not all that natural and, at least in my case, stings. No toothpaste actually whitens your teeth no matter what name they give it to suggest otherwise. All ads for cable service are frauds and it will never cost you as little as they say it will. All eyeglass ads are lies. You will always have to pay more for thinner lenses, an attractive frame or other scam service. I have never successfully found a great bargain on any of these hotel booking services. I have gotten better deals by calling the hotel directly. While it's fun to see Kaboom change color, it doesn't make it any more effective at cleaning. And I have yet to find a soda, cookie, fast-food burger, or candy that makes me sing, dance, and leap in the air as so many such products do on television commercials.

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