Monday, September 3, 2012

What fun, watching things die!

There are a lot of commercials in which the main character is an angler, usually an old timer who has taught his grandson the joys of fishing. That joy is often threatened by arthritis, incontinence or some other malady that the pharmaceutical being pushed will prevent, (f it doesn't cause cancer, difficulty breathing, sudden heart attack, infections, reduced potency, nausea, headache, some eye problems, confusion, dizziness, short term memory, bleeding, diarrhea, and joint pain).Ergo: The joy of fishing can continue. I know it's supposed to be charming and familial, but the way I see it it's promoting the pleasure of going out and killing a living creature for fun who is very happy living his life until he is wrenched from the water and left to gasp for air until he suffocates. Yeah, that's a lot of fun and a great lesson to pass on to children. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know your argument. Do I eat fish?  Yes. And I'll continue to eat fish, just as I'll continue to be mystified as to why people who think they are civilized love killing living things even if they are only fish.

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