Monday, November 1, 2010

Newspeak is here.

Tonight, November 1, I am more than ever aware that we are all living in a Mediacracy. The media, significantly the broadcast media, tell us what to think, what is happening, who we are, what we want, and in what direction we should walk. Not much different than the giant screens in 1984. The election is not over, but every major network is telling us the Republicans will have victory, Democrats defeat. It is no less real at the moment than when Orwell wrote, "We are winning the war in Eurasia." We are told that the country is angry, though my friends, even the unemployed are not angry, just worried. But the media insists it's anger and the media decides the mood of the country. The media has elevated a cipher like Sarah Palin to possible presidential status when they could have ignored this political starlet. Why? Because she's a photogenic Mrs. Malaprop and it's much easier and less costly than doing research, and far more profitable than seeing the ill-educated turn away from all those boring facts they would hear from knowledgeable candidates. The media has given far too much air time to Sharron Angle who will give them none. Why? Because their entertainment-addicted audience would rather watch the ravings of an Alice Ghostly lookalike than having to exercise their minds with semi-complex political views. If, after this election, nutcases like Rand Paul, Sharron Angle and Michelle Bachmann have been voted into office, then it will be because the media helped promote, predict and usher them into those positions. We are told that Americans are disappointed with Obama. If they are it is because the media has been endlessly telling us that Americans are disappointed with Obama, disappointed with Obama, disappointed with Obama. This without significantly reporting all the positive changes he has made. Why? Let us not forget that the alphabetical media we trust are no less multi-billion dollar Republican-leaning companies than BP or Sony. We are not living in an age of reason, but in a dumbing of America era of entertainment when even something as important and life-changing as political news coverage is not much different than The Great Race, The Biggest Loser and American Idol.

1 comment:

  1. You are brilliant. You should have been a headliner at the Rally to Restore Sanity.
