Sunday, November 14, 2010

Making a clean sweep.

It occurred to me today that I have strange spending habits, and maybe you do, too. I will immediately replace something costly that gives me pleasure or needs replacement: a tv, a stereo, a roof. Yet I will put up with something old and inexpensive because it seems so insignificant. I'm talking about a broom, a $5 broom. Having cats, I have to clean the litter boxes every day. Being cats, they have no concern for how much litter they kick onto the garage floor. So, in addition to scooping, there is daily sweeping. For years I have been using the same broom, the same balding, down-to-the-nub straw broom. It wasn't that I had any affection for this broom. I mean it wasn't given to me by a special friend. It was just a lousy broom. So why didn't I replace it? I don't know. But I finally bought a new broom the other day, and the daily sweeping has become significantly easier—so easy, in fact, that I feel really stupid for waiting so long. Think about it. Is there something in your house that you just deal with month after month that could be replaced as easily as, say, a new broom?

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