Saturday, February 27, 2021


Why are Republicans always so angry? Seriously, why? Take Donald Trump Jr. He can barely make a speech without vehemently attacking persons who have done him no harm. That's sick. Republican anger spreads to Senators denying working people a living wage, though it doesn't affect their income at all. Why? Along with the anger is paranoia as one can see at any Trump rally. And look at his Republican audience, angry hateful faces, full of bile, out for blood. Why? The insurrectionists who attacked the Capitol. Why were they so angry? Because a president who didn't fulfill his promises and basically regarded them as worthless riff-raff wasn't elected to disappoint them for another four years? Is it a product of the modern world, where there are too many toys and most too expensive to own? Is it because brains are befuddled with endless commercials, too many showing happy blacks to underachieving whites? Is it because pornography is so available, making users dissatisfied with their most loving relationships? What is it?  Are all these angry people pro-Trump because he is so flawed, semi-illiterate, a constant failure, and ridiculous? Do they all feel they have toilet paper on their shoe? Is it because the news places them in a constant state of worry, want  and worthlessness?  I have no idea why Republicans are so angry, but I hope the non-angry, non-vengeful, kind-heartedness of President Biden, not to mention the generous covid relief checks he wants every citizen in need to have, will soften that inexplicable anger.

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