Tuesday, February 2, 2021


Newscasters are so gullible. This morning on MSNBC there was much comment about the upcoming impeachment of our treasonous past president. The argument was that a large number of Republican senators don't think this impeachment is Constitutional. Nonsense! They know it's Constitutional, they're lying when they say otherwise. Why do news people pretend to believe them? I have no idea why Republicans elected to be Senators in the United States Congress wish to defend a traitor to the nation they swore to defend, but that is what they have been doing for four years and continue to do.They will certainly not find him guilty despite overwhelming evidence, making this impeachment trial a waste of time and money. But why? Sane people see Trump as an elderly not very bright, loud-mouthed, low-class, over made-up grifter, criminal and traitor. But millions are willing to overlook his endless lies, his cheating, his petulance, his madness, his absurd appearance. Why? It's a mystery we may never understand, especially while our newscasters and politicians continue to promote the myth that Trump is anything other than rubbish. 

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