Wednesday, February 17, 2021


 On February 12th the master of the trenchant political post The Rude Pundit wrote that the Republican Party given a chance at redemption chose to remain anti-democracy and "has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Trump Corporation." That's worrisome news when you consider that all the other Trump Corporations went into bankruptcy despite the highest hopes. Trump airlines, long grounded. Trump cigars, up in smoke. Trump casinos, out of luck. Trump steaks, burnt to a crisp. Trump sports team, a losing proposition. So if I were a treasonous Republican, I wouldn't be very optimistic about my new boss. Of course he still does sell lots of junk made in China and elsewhere, including "MAGA" products. So if you're a Senator for Trump, be grateful you and your family can still freeload off the American people while you plan destroy their country.

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