Monday, February 15, 2021


 MSNBC is at it again. We have a new president, Joe Biden, and he's working his tail off to get this country back on its feet. But who are they giving the most coverage to? Donald Trump and Lindsey Graham. I have seen Miss Lindsey praising Donald a dozen times already. And there has been far too much coverage for an ex-president. He's nobody now. Why give him so much air time? I wouldn't mind if it were critical, but it's not. They chat about his plans to gain power again, with the tone of voice that suggests that he probably will. This is a liberal station? Then how about some liberal coverage. I still maintain that MSNBC played a major role in putting Trump in office, by constantly vilifying Hillary Clinton while they ran Trump around the clock.  They must be afraid that their ratings will plummet if they broadcast good news. So it appears if you want to hear positive news about Trump, the place to turn is MSNBC!

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