Saturday, January 9, 2021


 It was obvious that Trump was deranged from day one. As soon as this lump of arrogant mediocrity descended that escalator, we could see this was not a normal person. This was confirmed by the Access Hollywood tape, which revealed him to be an amoral, misogynist slob.  So why was this creature ever allowed to run for president?  Don't we restrict criminals, grifters, obvious racists from the world's most important position?  Can anyone run for president? Especially someone who was obviously in league with a foreign enemy, whom he admired and attended more than his own country's advisers. If it weren't for the cowardly Republicans who are still cowering traitors, Trump would have been removed long before now. We should have impeached him for imprisoning children. We should have impeached him for his thousands of lies. We should have impeached him for being an assaulter of women, for a briber of porn stars, for running his businesses during his term with more concern than running America, for playing too much golf, for appointing so many incompetent pals, for not attending briefings, for watching too much TV, for his obvious racism, for ignoring the emoluments clause, for putting his useless relatives in high-paid positions, for ignoring the Constitution at every opportunity. How did this dangerous clown con us? And how will we recover? And will we ever make the same mistake again?

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