Sunday, January 10, 2021


Being a loyal Democrat, I didn't want to complain about fellow Democrats during the national and Georgia elections, but now that they are over and won, I can speak freely. In my entire life (78 years) I have never experienced such obnoxious fund raisers. Not only were they relentless with daily pleas, but they were  incredibly pushy, guilt-inducing liars. Having been in advertising for 40 years, I knew the right way to get donations and these fools had it all wrong. They tried to guilt me into giving, which doesn't work with me. They lied about how dire their situations were. They were even asking for donations to Reverend Warnock on the day he won. They sent lots of "all is lost unless you send money now" pleas; "We couldn't be more disappointed in you" e-mails; "We thought you were better than this" inducements. But the most offensive were the surveys where they asked a series of questions which led into a bid for a donation. They didn't want my opinion, they wanted my money. Which they might have received if they were smarter. I suspect the Democratic Party, despite its success, lost millions in possible donations due to their lousy fund-raising efforts. Many times I wrote them to say, "Seniors like me often prefer to send checks than use a credit card. Unless you send me a mailing address, no check," I never got a reply. More funds not received. I wonder if the Republicans had such idiotic fund raisers. Here's just one guilt-inducing lie.

When Stacey Abrams said that the road to the Senate Majority runs through Georgia, we thought Democrats would step up in DROVES to secure Joe Biden a Democratic Senate and CRUMBLE McConnell’s reign.

But we were SO. WRONG.

No one -- and we mean NO ONE -- stepped up, and now Jon Ossoff and Rev. Warnock’s leads are FADING AWAY! 

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