Wednesday, January 27, 2021


How is it possible that the good people of Georgia elected both Democratic Senators, put Joe Biden into the presidency and still managed to let an unhinged and violent nutcase slip through the cracks. Majorie Taylor Greene is a completely dangerous wacko. This shrew gets off on hoping for the deaths of Democrats, wants past presidents Obama and Clinton hanged and actually believes that Hillard Clinton murdered a child during a satanic ritual. As a disciple of QAnon, she actually believes that Democrats and Hollywood elite are pedarests. This woman is nuts, stark raving bat shit crazy, And while there are lots of traitors and cultist in Congress today, none is as unhinged as this loony gun-toting maniac. Allowing her to remain in government puts everyone in danger. This harridan is a time bomb and one never knows when it will explode taking innocent victims with it.  If she's this militant and insane, I recommend that that FBI check out her husband Perry Greene's possible arsenal. Who knows what a sick mind like hers is planning, She and Boebert with this smuggled in guns could decimate the Capitol.

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