Tuesday, August 25, 2015

"It's so clever."

Every year I choose my favorite commercial. Generally it is a funny spot, and one with which you never get bored no matter how many times you see it. (That's very rare today when so many commercials should be seen only once then disappear forever.) The trouble with this year's choice is that I cannot post it because it doesn't seem to be anywhere on YouTube (not even a still shot). I wonder why. Possibly because some people have suggested that it's gay since it features two young men in a car, one seeming to be uncomfortable with the other's familiarity. But who knows? Some people see gay in everything. I just think it's hilarious, brilliantly acted, and happily never unwelcome since it runs quite a lot. The commercial is for the Toyota Corolla in which one guy is admiring his friend's wisdom in choosing a  car with so many features, especially the one he considers most appealing, which he expresses in his last rhapsodic line, "It's so roomy".

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