Monday, September 16, 2013

A most inappopriate word.

The lazy news media says a lot of really stupid things. Considering that they have secured well-paid national jobs, one would expect them to have better grammar, better pronunciation, and more common sense about language. But one of the dumber things they say, and not infrequently, is a single completely inappropriate word. Jonathan Karl on ABC News just used this word. He was telling George Stephanopolous that he had just heard two gunshot sounds at the White House, after which the Secret Service tackled the shooter, but Karl didn't know who the
"gentleman" was. I doubt very much if a person who fires a gun at the White House and has to be brought down by government agents is a "gentlemen". A dumb epithet and one used all to often by the ignorant media. One often hears during the trial of a serial killer that the "gentlemen" seemed to be without remorse. Or one may hear that an entire family was murdered by so and such but the "gentleman" has escaped the authorities. Come on. You don't have to be a genius to know a criminal is a not a "gentleman".

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