Monday, May 20, 2013

A sad fact on a sad day.

When you see news as horrific as today's coverage of the Oklahoma tornadoes, the childish behavior of the Republican party becomes even more unfathomable. There is entire country out there that needs attention. It needs to be fed, housed, protected, and given constant nurturing. It is a nation of 300 million people. But while the citizens of the United States are victims of tornadoes, blizzards, gangs, hunger, homelessness, uncovered illnesses, and other assorted horrors, their elected and well-paid and coddled representatives are engaged in petty rivalries and childish time- and money-wasting feuds.  While these spoiled-rotten Congressmen are being chauffeured to elegant lunches and lavish Washington galas, the people that depend on them are balancing budgets, working several jobs, and worrying constantly about bills. Congress has never been more of a disgrace, never been populated with such narcissistic ne'er-do-wells. So while residents in Oklahoma are grieving over the loss of their homes, their jobs, and possibly even their children, Republicans will mostly be spending every valuable hour they could devote to helping  trying to find still more ways to vilify the president.

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