Sunday, May 12, 2013

I don't get it.

I don't get it. When people have a party at their house, why does the music have to be so loud that it can be heard for blocks away? And don't the party throwers have any sense at all that they are disturbing other people? Do they have a need to say to their neighborhood, "Look we're having a party, and you're not."? And can we assume that since they are not troubled by spoiling everyone else's serenity, that they are basically assholes anyway? And being assholes how did they find enough guests to have a party in the first place? And the guests must be every bit as inconsiderate to take part in this assault on the neighborhood. It's a mystery. My inconsiderate neighbors had a loud outdoor party last night that lasted till 2 am. What surprised me was that the incredibly loud music was no less loud when we suddenly had torrential rains. So the guests must have gone into the house, but obviously these—as we have established, assholes—saw no need to lower the volume of the outdoor speakers. As I said, I don't get it. But if I heard this morning that a meteor crashed into that house and the hosts and all the guests had been crushed to death, I wouldn't be the least bit sorry.

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