Monday, May 13, 2013

Rape and murder as entertainment.

The American public is schizophrenic. Right now they are furious, indignant, outraged, offended and horrified by the kidnapping of those three girls (now women) in Cleveland. They are so disturbed by the incident that they can't wait to watch any and all details on the local and national news. But they really don't need to because every week of the year, our most popular crime shows on tv feature the murders, rapes, captivities, and torture of women. This week Hawaii 50 presented a harrowing show about such crimes. And I'm sure women suffered just as badly on all our other popular police and detective programs.
Then, of course, there are the movies. Hundreds of them with themes like, Who Killed Miss America, The Silence of the Lambs, Dressed to Kill, and many less known one like those shown here in a collection of films for those who love to see women murdered. Why is the suffering of women such a leading theme for entertainment? Why do pious mothers complain about nudity or swearing, but nobody complains about the epidemic depiction of women as victims? And who are these screenwriters that constantly turn to themes of sexual assault, spousal abuse, and the brutalization of females of all ages for their oh so saleable scripts? I don't get it. I particularly don't get why women watch such programs which only seem to make their destruction seem more ubiquitous, and thus more acceptable to the demented viewer.

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