Saturday, December 29, 2012

Way, way, way overpaid.

I hear that Matt Lauer makes $25 million a year. It seems too absurd to be true, but even if it's $5 million, he's overpaid. A nice enough personality, Matt could easily be replaced by any number of other attractive hosts, many with hair. But he's just one of  thousands of wildly overpaid personalities. I read that's he's depressed because people are accusing him of having a hand in the firing of Ann Curry, (a person far more skilled than Matt). How can you be depressed when you make as much money as he does., unless, of course, he realizes he's not worth it. I have nothing against Matt, but I really hate the American habit of taking ordinary people, promoting them to a status they never deserved, showering them with wealth and then making sure that everyone knows the volume of that shower. Frankly, I'd rather that networks paid everyone less money, tightened their belts, thus needed fewer than their thousands of daily commercials and making tv viewing more pleasant for the rest of us.

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