Friday, December 28, 2012

My most unwanted Christmas gift.

I got a gift this year that I didn't want, don't want, never wanted, never would want and can't return. It's a Keurig coffee maker, a big black pain-in-the-ass machine that makes lousy weak coffee and cost about $170.00. It was sent by a well-meaning friend, but it's been nothing but a burden since the day it arrived. For starters all of the many coffees and cocoa mixes that came with it tasted weird: metallic or plastic or just  chemically, I couldn't tell. I tried cleaning it out with vinegar and water, and then everything tasted of vinegar for a day or so. Then when all the weird tastes were gone, I realized that this machine makes lousy coffee. Surprisingly QVC was very agreeable to having it returned and sent me a postage-paid coupon. Ah, but here's the rub. You must return it in the original packing, and there is no way I can get this machine back in the box. Nothing seems to fit. It's as if this damn machine never arrived in this complex jigsaw of Styrofoam.  I think this is a deliberate Keurig ploy designed to discourage any consumer planning to return their product.. It certainly discouraged me. So I will either toss this damn machine or have it take up valuable counter space for any guest who happens to be fond of weak, overpriced coffee.

Note: It is very unlikely that the person who sent me this gift will ever read my blog. But if she should, be assured I appreciate the thought behind this gift, but would rather you spent that money on yourself.

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