Thursday, July 15, 2021

You've got to admit it's fascinating that so many people are stunned about Trump losing the presidential election to Joe Biden. They just can't understand how a man who did very little work, played tons of golf at the taxpayers' expenses, insulted every race but Caucasian, overlooked child abuse, and the murder of a reporter, praised a Russian dictator, and swore love to a North Korean tyrant could possibly get fewer votes than an honest, decent supporter of morality and democracy. The very fact that Trump's spoiled son and criminal collaborator, Eric, had a hissy fit on election night is hilarious in itself. Did he really think this country would embrace a con man and accused rapist? I guess when your hobby is killing endangered and innocent animals, you lose track of morality. You would think that all the Children of the Corn would be embarrassed by a wacko father running around the country with his dynel hair on fire claiming the most fair election in history was stolen from him. But no. He and the ungrateful Republicans who have fully absorbed the Kool-aid are working their treasonous asses off to bring America down. Fortunately enough Americans, including true Republicans, are grateful enough to their homeland and moved enough by Old Glory to keep this dictator and all his mad dogs at bay.

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