Thursday, May 24, 2018


I hate sports. I have never been to a sports game of any kind in my life and am sure I never will. But what I hate more is tyranny, How dare our fat, useless, arrogant, ignorant, flatulent President force the NFL to forbid black players from taking a knee to protest the treatment of African Americans by law enforcement. And how dare the NFL cave to the whims of a president who is not only an idiot but a hypocrite. He talks about the sanctity of the American flag and the national anthem while he day by day destroys our country and proves to be a Russian-supported traitor to America. I think professional athletes are overpaid. I think, from what I've heard, ticket prices are insane and elitist. But that has nothing to do with freedom of speech. But this isn't really a freedom of speech issue. It's a race issue. Trump is a racist and can't bear that a black man would go against his wishes, his demands. Many football fans are racist and cling to this issue as an excuse to resent and vilify men whose talent they admire and lives they envy. What an opportunity to hate. In the meantime the NFL owners who are racist as well as cowardly are happy to indulge a delusional autocrat in his fake jingoism rather than doing the American thing--what is right. This absurd new rule is just another example of how our great and free country is falling sway to a petty dictator. Donald Trump has told thousands of lies, but the biggest one of all was suggesting that he would Make America Great Again.
It never stopped being great until the day he took office.

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