Thursday, June 29, 2017


At least two people on the White House staff now make a living by telling lies. Sean Spicer and Sarah Huckabee Sanders both repeat and reinforce any bullshit that the president is shoveling on the press. Today she defended his incredibly crude and nasty attack on Mika Brzeinski, saying that when someone attacks the president, he plans to hit back. Ms. Sanders, of course, never acknowledges how Trump is usually the first to strike, on President Obama, on a beauty contestant  he deems too fat, even on his rivals for candidacy. These two lackeys must kowtow to Trump, repeat every lie they have programmed into them, and be sure to use the word "president" often as well as frequent expressions of praise and admiration. They do it well, and thus reveal that they have no character, no honesty, and not an iota of courage.

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