Friday, June 23, 2017


Apparently Johnny Depp is in big trouble because he made a joke about assassinating Donald Trump. What Mr. Depp doesn't understand is that freedom of speech is only for Republicans. Trump himself accused President Obama of being an illegitimate liar who said was he was born in Hawaii when he was born in Kenya. Totally untrue, of course. But certainly designed to create the kind of hatred that could lead to assassination.  Mitch McConnell was filled with so much vitriol at Obama's election, he he had lots of incendiary comments during eight years of bitterness and envy. All were designed to inspire the same kind of vengeful racist hatred that he himself felt. Now Depp makes a comment suggesting that a despicable, despotic, pathological liar whose narcissism is tearing our country apart might inspire an assassination, and Depp is suddenly the devil incarnate. The media are already beating the drum. Fine, vilify Depp for this comment, but only if you vilify Trump, McConnell, Cruz, Rubio, McCain, Hannity, Coulter, and all the other vicious unpatriotic Republicans who have made lying, hateful comments about President Obama that were so filled with venom they could easily have been construed as a call to assassination even if that word was never used

Note: Johnny Depp has already apologized for his ill-conceived remarks. You will note that Trump and most Republicans never apologize for their vicious and inflammatory comments.

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