Tuesday, November 24, 2015


In order to illustrate this blog, I take images from Bing. Up till now it has worked fine. But now, no matter what visual I request, it includes many, many, many pornographic images. Why? I just typed in "Dramatic shots of man on stage" and along with a smattering of photos of men on stage was an array of pornographic shots both straight and gay, some erotic, most repulsive, having very little to do with a stage. I'm not opposed to pornography, but shouldn't it be something you requested?

Note: The visual above is just one of the less obscene, but equally creepy, offerings included when I
requested "Dramatic shots of man on stage." Yuck.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't Bing have some sort of filter for that? I know Google and Yahoo do. Safe Search.
