Monday, November 23, 2015

A money-making invention.

It's depressing to find out that someone we sort of like turns out to be a greedy little shit, or at least his family does. It seems that Ahmed Mohamed, that Muslim-American teenager who was arrested after bringing a homemade clock to school, is suing the city and school district. It seems that his family feels that the minor discomfort he suffered (when authorities who thought the device which did look like a bomb looked like a bomb) is worth $15 million in damages. It's a pity that somebody always wants to profit from any kind of misuse of authority, no matter how minor. Hopefully the judge will see this for what it is, and accept that the though the teacher overreacted, she still erred on the side of safety in a world where, yes, a child might bring a bomb to school disguised as a clock. Ahmed's parents are, with this opportunistic suit,
setting a terrible example for Ahmed.

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