Monday, November 9, 2015

America's pious pinhead.

This past Friday, presidential candidate Rafael Cruz said that he believes anyone who wants to be president must fear God and pray daily and that "an atheist is not fit to be president." In short, he feels that every president should believe in magical thinking, assume that some supreme being somewhere in the sky will hear a president's plea for world peace and act on it, and that that "old time religion" is necessary for any occupant of the White House. He clings to this belief despite the fact that there is world hunger, global warming, horrible violence, millions of homeless refugees, and hundreds of other daily occurring atrocities which Cruz's pray-worthy God doesn't seem to have any interest in preventing, (not to mention that He made Cruz himself god-ugly). Plus how naive is this moron to assume that none of our presidents have been atheists? Of course they couldn't out and say so in a pseudo-Christian country, but it is foolish to assume that all of our past presidents were as blindly superstitious as he is. Also considering that Rafael is such a liar, panderer, and hypocrite, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if he weren't an atheist himself, although I don't think he's enough of a rational thinker for that to be the case.

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