Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Three litle pigs. No wolf.

This is an excerpt from Today's Huffington Post (November 27)
Republican Sens. John McCain (Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and Kelly Ayotte (N.H.) said on Tuesday that their highly anticipated meeting with U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice about the Sept. 11 anniversary attack in Benghazi, Libya, hadn't allayed their concerns about either the administration's explanation of the attack or Rice's qualifications as a potential secretary of state.
"Bottom line, I'm more disturbed now than I was before that the 16th of September explanation about how Americans died in Benghazi, Libya, by Ambassador Rice I think does not do justice to the reality at the time and, in hindsight, clearly was completely wrong," Graham declared at a press conference after the meeting.
In short these three senators went into the meeting with false outrage and closed minds and emerged with minds just as closed and outrage just as false. McCain stomped in with all the anger and jealousy he feels about President Obama, eager to sabotage his presidency in whatever petulant way possible. Lindsey flounced in, thrilled for yet another opportunity to show his love, loyalty and devotion to his hero McCain. And Ayotte slinked in, oiled with all her Republican prejudices against Planned Parenthood, gay marriage and all those New Hampshire liberals she is forced to represent along with the worthy right-wingers.  Even before the meeting began they were rehearsing their speeches about how they were even more disturbed and how Rice, despite all the evidence to the contrary, was wrong, wrong, wrong. What sad examples of senators. 

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