Sunday, November 18, 2012

Onward Pseudo-Christian Soldiers.

I just heard a report on NPR radio about the recent GOP Governors Conference in Las Vegas.  It seems, according to these clueless pols, the reason they were so soundly defeated in the recent elections had nothing to do with Obama's popularity or policies. Apparently the victory was only because Obama had a get-out-the-vote ground force that was far superior to Romney's. The voters weren't swayed by the issues they were entranced by the salesmanship. So, these governors determined that they didn't really have to change their message so much as how effectively they delivered it. For instance, they had to convince Latinos that they really liked them a lot without actually having to enact anything to prove it. Being convinced that Americans don't want Obamacare despite every statistic to the contrary, they are still determined to find a way to abolish it. How cute. How naive.  In short, other than agreeing that Romney was not a great candidate—while not admitting that he was beyond pathetic—they all happily agreed that they only faced losses because the Obama machine was so well oiled, so well run. They apparently have no idea how much they offended women and minorities, how deeply they alienated gays, and how greatly they frightened the elderly or those on any kind of entitlement program.  I found this NPR report to be very encouraging news. It means that these oblivious Republican governors will continue their stubborn lockstep march into total irrelevance.

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