Sunday, November 11, 2012

Close encounters of the turd kind.

I was surprised to see this photo in the Huffington Post. It is very unusual for Martian Rick Scott to allow himself to be shot with the mother ship. What you can't see are the wires from the ship to his battery acid-filled dome. He tells people he shaves his head, but of course Martians don't have hair nor even eyebrows (Maybelline). Many people think that Scott has a naturally goofy grin, but this is the idiotic expression all of his fellow Martians sport. He can actually play songs on those theuromyanic teeth. Just as well the Republicans lost so big. There was a lot of trouble brewing in the Republican party. It seems that Romney was upset when Scott, who was born and raised on Mars, told him that Mormonism was all bullshit and there were no Latter Day planets floating around, ruled by deceased Mormons. Or as Scott so coldly put it, "Trust me Mitzie. Dead is dead." If Scott had feelings he would be upset to know he'll never serve another term, but apparently he's already stolen and embezzled enough money to purchase all the things his planet needs and get the hell off of Earth.  I doubt that he'll hold office on the Red Planet. Even Martians aren't that stupid.

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