Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A dull night in Denver.

Just watched the debate, which was incredibly dull. Neither Romney and Obama delivered any zingers, memorable lines, or new information. And there was no clear winner.  Mitt, however, was surprisingly good.  Why? Because his handlers obviously told him to mirror Obama's reasonable attitude. At every point Romney swore he was going to maintain the same kind of fairness that Obama promotes. In short, he spent 90 minutes lying through his teeth. His comments were as phony as his hair, which has gone overnight from black with greying temples to fashionably streaked black and grey. This from a man who swears he never dyes his hair. But then nothing about Romney is true or real. I have a horror that the idiotic and lazy media will give this fraud  the role of winner tomorrow which is completely unfair since all he did was what he always does: says what people want to hear. If he were elected president, which is possible, none of what he promised will come true and we will have to survive—if we can—another Bush-like error. This time instead of having the hawkish Cheney as VP, we'll have the unctuous benefit-slicing Paul Ryan. The debate was a joke and Jim Lehrer was as bad a moderator as one could have. No mention of the Mitt's 47% speech, which is incredibly significant in this race as we could elect a president who has nothing but disdain for almost half the country. Despite the hopes of every Democrat, Obama was not very impressive during this debate. He spent too much time looking down at the floor, frowning, and directing his comments at Lehrer. He was often dull and too detailed about his plans. And for some bizarre reason his lectern was placed sideways showing him full-bodied while Romney stood behind his lectern (which everyone insists on calling podiums). But Obama is still a great and honest president and the man America needs for its future. Let us hope the lazy media doesn't screw it up tomorrow giving Romney more credit than he deserves forgetting all his past gaffes, flip-flops, misspeaks and incurable cold-heartedness.

Note: Just as I thought the lazy media was falling all over itself declaring Romney the winner. But, fortunately, many reporters pointed out that almost everything Romney said was completely fallacious. So the question is: Can anyone actually be a winner if everything they said was untrue? Is a cheater ever an actually a winner?

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