Monday, October 8, 2012

The nonexistent 30-second Factoid Channel.

If it existed, I'd be more than happy to pay for the Factoid Channel. This 24 hour a day outlet shows thousands of 30-second factoids on an endless variety of subjects: art, history, literature, science, sports, chemistry, every conceivable subject. It is the channel you would switch to with your remote every time a commercial appeared on the program you were watching, and while that station was running—these days—dozens of commercials, you could be improving your knowledge with a wide variety of entertaining facts. If for instance you were watching, to my mind, the worst commercial offender The Big Bang Theory, you could be learning about the actual Big Bang theory or Babe Ruth's baseball record or where George Gershwin was born or when Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address. And when you returned to your program, you'd be that much smarter. Unfortunately such a channel doesn't exist, so the best I can do is mute the thousands of commercials I am forced to watch every week. Still I'd rather learn about the origins of the Purple Heart than hear ,again and again and again,  about  the side effects of the healing purple pill.

Note: The instructional video above would be just one example of the kind of 30-second spot you might see on the Factoid Channel. But this advice on how to put out a kitchen fire might immediately be followed information on the ancient custom of tossing a living wife on her husband's funeral pyre or
a recipe for chocolate chip cookies.

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