Saturday, May 9, 2020


He or she has an article in Salon today titled, "You Don't Owe Joe Biden Anything". The message seems to be to discourage you from voting for Joe Biden (I'm guessing the author is some Russian agent in service to Trump or another bitter Barnie bleeter.) At any other time I would say you don't owe your vote to Biden. But not this year. Not if you want to run the most corrupt president ever out of office. Not if you want someone in the oval office that doesn't lie around all day eating cheeseburgers and watching Fox News for political advice.  Not if you're fed up with a fat, flatulent fool whose stupidity and laziness has killed thousands of seniors and is sure to kill thousands more. Yes, you do owe Biden your vote. You owe it to him and all the American people who have put up with Trump's bullshit since the night he and his Russian pals managed to steal the election from a woman who would not only have been a far better president, but an actual president, which Trump never was and never will be. Yes you must vote for Biden. Not because you owe it to him, but because you owe it to yourself.

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