Monday, May 18, 2020


Trump has just told one one of his most transparent lies ever. He insists he's taking hydroxychloroquine to prevent coronavirus. This is a total fabrication. First of all what corrupt doctor would prescribed this dangerous drug? There is none. Because he's not taking it. Why does he say he is? Because he or a crony has stock in this company and he wants huge sales to bring huge profits. But Americans, other than his moronic fans, are not going to take an unproven drug that leads to health problems and possibly death. So now this idiot has painted himself into a corner. He has to admit he isn't taking it and never was (unlikely, that would require truth.) Or he has to pretend he was,  but stopped using it for some bizarre excuse like it was under his pretend doctor's advice.  Or he's got to continue the lie, pretending to be taking it until he learns of so many ill effects among his gullible fans that there is an outcry about how possibly dangerous hydroxychloroquine is. Or best of all he comes down with coronavirus proving that even if he had been taking it, it was ineffective. At any rate, it will make another great anti-Trump commercial come election season.

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