Thursday, February 4, 2016


This is 2016. We went to the moon ages ago. Almost everyone carries a cell phone with them, a smart cell phone that has access to a world of information and unlimited photos. We can replace hearts, lungs, cure most everything, and we're inventing and devising and imagining new things every day. We now know that Earth is a minuscule planet in a universe so vast we are discovering new areas of it all the time. What's my point? That in this age, this year, this fantastic world, the age of scientific discovery, a person has to be an idiot to say, "I thank my lord and savior Jesus Christ. I thank God for allowing me the opportunity to come this far with each of you" That was the delusional opening to Rubio's speech after the Iowa caucus. How could anyone vote, in 2016, for a magical thinking moron who believes that some imaginary being in some remote and unknown place gave a fuck whether he came in third in some some backward American state where many of the residents are obviously as completely clueless as he is?

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