Saturday, February 13, 2016

Pushing the nonexistent.

As an atheist, I can't consider any of these Republicans fit for office. Not when they proclaim that their allegiance is to Jesus Christ, a mortal who died centuries ago. Or worse to a god no more real than Santa Claus. How could I put my trust in any person who put his trust in an unproven, fanciful, magical creature based on an ancient book in which the authors didn't even know basic science or geography. How could I trust a man to work with world leaders when he can't even reason out that religions were created in the distant past when people were ignorant of almost everything and needed something to keep them in line and make their keepers wealthy. Christians can't even reason out that Christ told them to be kind, generous, and share their wealth and their bread with less fortunate people. So they go to huge, costly churches where the preachers live like kings, or Catholic churches where there is an obscene display of wealth. They can't even understand the tenets of their own religions.  Religion is an outdated product but most people refuse to accept its obsolescence. Most obviously these wacko Republican candidates who are total fools or complete liars when they proclaim their unfounded piety.

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