Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Touching, adorable, tender—but not news!

There is no more serious national network news. ABC, NBC, and CBS news has become very much like Entertainment Tonight. Last night all three networks featured a segment on Virginia McLaurin's visit to the White House.  Virginia is a sweet old woman of 106, and it's neat that she got to meet the Obamas. But it's not news. Nor is much of anything else that is doled out to viewers in less-than-a-minute segments.  The nightly news on all three major networks is merely a half-hour pseudo-program designed to carry very costly commercials for mostly pharmaceuticals, of which there are far more than necessary to meet the network's financial needs. Not only does this sad situation defeat those interested in what's actually happening in the world, but it is making us a nation of hypochondriacs since we are constantly deluged with promotions for erectile dysfunction, diabetes, arthritis, allergies, smoking cessation, nerve pain, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, psoriasis, COPD, age-related macular degeneration, nail fungus, and various other diseases, many invented so that products could be developed to supposedly prevent them and then advertised endlessly on the nightly news.

Note: I never watch the morning programs, which I find are mostly detestable hype, but I can only imagine how many commercials are crammed into those programs.


  1. I absolutely agree with you about the pharmaceutical companies bombarding us with their made-up hype. I don't agree that the public didn't get much out of the meeting of the pres and Michelle with Virginia. Maybe I'm a sap but I was very touched by the way she was so excited to meet her"black" president. I would like to have seen the reactions of all the (northern and southern) red-necks who have so much hatred towards Obama. Or maybe I wouldn't.

  2. Good. I love disagreement. I was also touched, but still reminded that terrible things are happening in the world, of which Americans are constantly ill informed.
