Monday, February 15, 2016

A likely story.

I don't know who Stephen Harrison is but an article I read by him today seems incredibly unlikely. He claims that when he was a junior at Washington University in St. Louis, he had the opportunity to be a member of a private dinner (for 13) with Justice Antonin Scalia. During that dinner, which took place just before the end of George's reign of terror, he claims he asked Scalia what he thought of the Bushes. Scalia allegedly said he had the greatest respect for the family, but that many of his associates felt that the wrong Bush was elected president, bringing up again the myth that Jeb is the smarter brother. As much as I detest Scalia, I think it's highly unlikely—his being so opinionated—that he would repeat the opinions of others. And I think it's even more unlikely that he would suggest that a ninny like Jeb Bush would have been any more effective as president than his clueless brother. One wonders if Mr. Harrison has a faulty memory or is trying to get a plug in for the struggling Jeb Bush with a flattering quote by a dead man who can't deny he said it. Also he referred to Scalia's comment as a secret. I don't see how it could be a secret if there were 12 other students around the table.

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