Sunday, May 6, 2012

"They don't say Magic, till I say they say Magic."

In case you were curious, this is what Mormon Magic Underwear looks like. Apparently it's a very hot, one-piece arrangement. I have read that many liberal Mormons have switched to two-piece garments.Apparently there is a ceremony that goes with the presentation of your undies when you are 19. I don't know whether you can get a second pair, but have heard these are pretty much tailored for life. What's the purpose? Well, to remind you of Satan's power, to protect your modesty, and to keep you from all kinds of worldly harm. So when you see Romney making speeches, picture that underneath his $1000-plus suits is this fetching little garment, acting as both his tidy whities and bulletproof vest (if you believe in its  protective powers). For even more fun, when his whole family is lined up giving him their support, try to visual every one of them, including Ann standing there in their Magic Underwear. Kinda reminds me of the old Sears catalog.

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