Monday, May 21, 2012

Popularity contest?

I don't get Facebook. I signed up ages ago, decided I didn't care where a hundred casual friends had dinner the night before and signed off. I soon realized that they don't let you go. Soon Facebook requests were showing up on my HuffPost posts, and in other areas of my computer usage. Today I got a list of more than 40 people who seem to want me to be friends with them. I don't know why. I detest at least 15 of them and they have never shown any liking for me, so what do they want? Just to increase their number of friends on this absurd social website?  Most of the others are complete strangers to me. I'm sure some of them are very nice people, but I have no interest in where they went for vacation, how well they are doing at work, and life is already filled with too many baby and child pictures to welcome even more. I'm sure there's something I'm missing. All those exciting contests that tell you what movie star you're most compatible with or at what age you're most likely to die?  But I don't really care. Bless the nerd that came up with this gimmick and made 100 million dollars. I prefer to communicate with people who have something to say, or an interesting opinion on a subject, any subject. I think that's something I offer. But I admit that very few people seem to care or even read me. I might even be better off telling a thousand pseudo friends on Facebook what I had for dinner last night. But I think I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.

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