Wednesday, May 30, 2012


In case anybody is as confused as I am about this citizenship issue, here's what I learned. I assumed that if you were born of an American mother you were naturally a U.S. citizen. This is true. But apparently to become president both parents must be U.S citizens if you were born outside the United States.(McCain was born Panama, but both parents were citizens.)  Ergo: If Obama was born in Hawaii, he's eligible. If he were born in Kenya, he's not because his father was not a U.S. citizen. Stupid rule. But that's why nutcases like Donald Trump and Orly Taitz are so eager to find any evidence that he was born in Kenya. Assuming they believe this crap, are they really outraged that Obama would not have qualified to be president. Of course not. They like millions of other American are upset by one thing and one thing only: He's part African American. The hate campaign against Obama began on day one, so it has nothing to do with any governing policies. These, and anyone clinging to birtherism, are bigots and racists, pure and simple—although Orly Taitz is also a mental case.

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