Friday, May 4, 2012

Real pains.

Bayer's goal for the past 50 years seems to be to convince consumers that their high-priced aspirin is more effective than the far, far less costly brands, which are more or less identical. Well, it isn't. Their newest campaign, not shown here, is that they are reinforming us that aspirin is for pain, as if we didn't know it. The Bayer company is one of the most greedy, dishonest pharmaceutical and poison companies in the industry. When they're not trying to convince you that their pills cure a heart attack, they are charging you a fortune to de-flea your pets. I never get tired of reminding anyone reading this that Bayer was the German company that supplied the poisons for the holocaust. So many of the American Jews who wouldn't think of buying a German car or going to Berlin for vacation have no idea of this company's despicable past. One could argue that those running the company today are far removed from the operators of more than 60 years ago, making today's Bayer somewhat forgivable if they weren't such lying charlatans.  Unfortunately YouTube doesn't have the Bayer commercial where the man on the plane asks the stewardess for a pain reliever. When she offers him Bayer aspirin, he says, "I'm not having a heart attack" suggesting that Bayer is the instant cure for cardiac arrest. You don't get more dishonest than that.

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