Monday, February 20, 2012


Nobody likes pain. I think men are more cowardly about pain than women. I know I am. The goods news is, unless you're hit by a runaway truck or in the path of a stray bullet or some other accident, you can avoid pain. Dentists are pretty painless these days. Most employers don't whip you if you screw up. Minor ailments are not all that painful. But there is one pain I dread. Several friends have experienced it and said it's excruciating. It's being tested for prostate cancer. Now I don't even know the details because I never want to know. What I do know is that it is totally unnecessary. I see no reason why men can't be sedated for this test just as they are for colonoscopies. And why can't they? Because they don't insist. They go lamb-like into these tests because the doctor tells them they must—after all it doesn't hurt the tester. I don't know who reads this, but I hope that whatever men do, when the time comes, will refuse to have a prostate test without sedation. Refuse. Say no. There is no reason in today's world that any medical test for man or women should be excruciating unless it's being doing without sedation for the doctor's convenience. Screw that. I know the day will soon come when this test is indicated and I, for one, will not do it without some wonderful drug putting me to sleep through the whole dreadful ordeal.

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