Sunday, February 12, 2012

The girl who had it all.

I was never a Whitney Houston fan. It's not my kind of music. In fact hearing her version, any version of, "I Will Always Love You"makes me cringe. I never saw The Bodyguard or the remake of The Preacher's Wife.But I assume she was good in both. Yet, without having any knowledge of her, I feel very sad. I cannot understand why someone so beautiful, so talented, so successful, so universally admired and loved could have treated herself so shabbily and ended up dead at 48. From what I have read she had a glorious early career, filled with nothing but successes and awards. Not knowing much about Whitney, I don't know a thing about this Bobby Brown, but it seems like it was a turning point or maybe not. But you would think by now that celebrities have enough evidence of how destructive drugs are to success. Yet we keep hearing these horror stories of beautiful, talented people turned into unattractive mediocrities after embracing the kind of highs that you would imagine they could get from wealth, fame and adulation alone. This may not have been a Richard Corey event, but it amounts to the same thing.

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