Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I notice that the ever-lazy news media are bitching because Newt Gingrich didn't call to congratulate Mitt Romney on his victory in the Florida election. Are they nuts? Do they really think that Gingrich should be charming to the man who has attacked and vilified him for weeks? Sometimes I think that the network news bureaus don't do any thinking at all. They just parrot the easiest theme available. Right now they are moronically discussing the Florida voting from every conceivable angle. This isn't news, it's blather. It's the kind of meaningless crap they are capable of discussing while more complicated issues are dismissed and forgotten. Which is why we Americans are so uneducated about world affairs, geography, history, economics, our own language, and almost anything else that truly advanced countries think is important. Right now I am going to turn on the television to the morning news program and let you know what world-shaking event they are discussing. Hold on. I'm back. It seems that what they regard as the most important subject of the moment is whether Julianne Moore is convincing as Sarah Palin. Good god!

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