Saturday, November 19, 2011

The gift of an argument.

As most of my friends know I am an atheist, and have been since about the age of 12. I am totally bemused that anyone imagines that there is a god who actually cares about what they do or don't do, and has a future planned for them in some kind of eternal paradise. I, of course, believe that, like any insect or animal, we have one shot at life and then are returned to the timeless oblivion from which we accidentally sprang. I could never accept on faith that "there is something there". Despite that I have come up with a good argument for those who feel one should believe in god on faith. And here it is. Imagine 500 years ago that someone said he knew there was a mysterious force on earth that could change every aspect of life. It could create light, motion, energy, power ships, allow man to communicate with the rest of the world within minutes, even allow man to fly. It would sound insane at the time, and of course he couldn't prove it because he didn't know how. In short, others would have to accept it on faith. Assume that many people did and became his followers (disciples). As such, they would then say to anyone who would listen, "Someday there will be this power that will change everything". Naturally centuries passed and one day the age of electricity began and our prophet's predictions came true. I think this is a good argument for those who believe in god and afterlife. Myself, I still think it's a lot of hokum.

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