Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Today's Uriah Heep

This is James O'Keefe. James is a weasel. He looks like a weasel. He behaves like a weasel. Of all the creepy people in the news today Jimmy is one of the creepiest. He's the slime ball that lied about Acorn and bought it down. He's the turd who made a wildly edited videotape to shame PBS. His politics seem to be Republican, but I don't think he has allegiance to any person or party. He's one of those soulless, amoral drifters who, like one Shakespearean character, only lives to create venomous plots. He calls himself a journalist, which is absurd. Others call him a muckraker, which is perfectly apt. He fancies himself an actor though he has very little skill in that area. (Notably hilarious is seeing this effete anemic, impotent cretin posing as a pimp.) Among his many proud achievements is leading a campaign to have Lucky Charms removed from a cafeteria because it stereotypes the Irish. James is another desperate-for-attention nobody who will always be a nobody even with media recognition. And considering how duplicitous and careless he is, I feel certain his final fame will be when they find him in some alley or landfill having vilified the wrong person.

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