Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Another poorly crafted Kraft commercial.

I hate this commercial. But then I hate most Kraft commercials. Whatever agency does them has no understanding of real people. In this spot the kid is an obnoxious cliche, the parents cartoons, the inlaws tedious stereotypes we've seen a million times. The supposed baby in this husband's harness is so obviously a doll and if I were creating a commercial for a starchy product I wouldn't have such a chunky child. But the most ridiculous aspect of this commercial is the suggestion that a family eager to impress snooty inlaws would clean the house, and then prepare macaroni and cheese. We all love it, but let's face: It's one of the most pedestrian and cheapest meals you can make. Hardly the entree you would ever prepare to impress a couple of critical old cranks. Also, as long as I'm being critical myself, why does the baking dish change three times. First it's small and white with cut-out handles, in the oven it's larger with rolled handles, and finally it's smaller with no apparent handles.

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