Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Most Americans would be thrilled and feel completely secure to have a million dollars. Anyone with ten million dollars would be more than set for life. Then why is it that those fortunate Americans who possess a billion dollars, which is a thousand million dollars are so unwilling to pay higher taxes? Does being rich bring with it a sickness, an uncontrollable greed, a Scrooge McDuck desire to horde every dollar? And why are the Republicans always so eager to cater to this sickness? Is it because they lie and cheat and graft to reach that level of wealth themselves. It's all so incomprehensible. But most confusing of all is why millions of hard-working poor and middle-class Americans don't seem to begrudge these avaricious billionaires their right to an obscene wealth that should be shared. They keep voting for the Republicans who are constantly legislating to keep them powerless and giving short shrift to the Democrats who support all the programs designed to make their lives easier, more profitable, and more successful. It's time to wise up and recognize your true friends.

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