Sunday, June 14, 2020


I would venture to guess that now that we are mostly quarantined, the networks are running twice as many commercials. They already run far more commercials than it takes for them to make a huge profit, the greedy pigs.  Now there are more: more Liberty Mutual, more unneeded pharmaceuticals, more pretentious car commercials, more network promos, and more reassurances from companies that they are spraying their counters. And have you noticed how during a break, some advertisers will run the same annoying commercial two or three times. I think ABC, CBS, and NBC should call their 6:30 programs the  Nightly Commercial Shows. Lately there is less to see of Rachel and Lawrence and every other commentator. Do they ever complain?  During most breaks I turn to TCM, watch a few commercial-free minutes, then turn back. And usually the commercials are still going.  Do they assume we don't notice? And just think: soon all of Trump's totally mendacious messages and transparent lies will be inundating us unless we can change the channel or  push the mute fast enough.

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